So we started our zoo experience off a little backwards as we had breakfast with the orang-utans, so started our adventures on the other side of the zoo.

But generally you would walk through the front gate through all the deer and feed them by hand with feed you can buy from the cart for 25,000 ($2.50aud). We did this at the end obviously, as this is where you need to come to also exit the zoo.  We all loved having deer climb all over us trying to get food, Matt even had one climbing right up onto him to get an apple- quite a laugh.

Following breakfast, we decided to see what else was on Kampung Sumatra. Our first stop was to the tiger enclosure. I was surprised at how much space these two tigers had and then they had their own big tunnel/bridge they could cross to sleep in private and peace.

So when we got there, there was only one tiger out as the other was in her den sleeping. There were to sections to the glassed enclosure and the tiger we were watching was pacing from one enclosure to the other and didn’t want food, so put itself to sleep near a manmade mini waterfall and under a palm.

After watching the tiger we went on back to the mainland part of the zoo where all the animals were, as there wasn’t too much more to see on this “island”.

(one of the weird species we found roaming the footpaths of the zoo)

We had a map in hand, but this family has never stuck to the maps and like to creature their own adventures. So we put the map in the backpack and set off down a path that was shaded and turned out to be the tigers. It was certainly the right place at the right time, as the girls all got the chance to hand feed a tiger using the rod.

For a piece of red meat you pay 60,000rp ($6) and the lady puts it on this 1mt long metal rod that you hold up to the fence. 

Our girl was down crouched in the lagoon of water and as soon as Erin held the meat up she pounced up and gracefully and ever so gently grabbed the meat and took it to a rock to eat it in private. Hails and Madi got a piece each to share and do the same thing, they loved this experience and couldn’t stop talking about it.

Throughout the day around Bali Zoo there are loads and loads of animal encounter experiences, a lot of them you don't need to pay for (unless you want to have the professional photo printed of course). 

There are so many different species of primates in the Zoo (including the 4 that is our family). Jacky the orang-utan is a real highlight of the zoo and we spent almost half an hour near his enclosure just watching the 40 year old pick knocking on his big metal door demanding food, until of course the keeper came and brought him his lunch (no wonder he's single and unable to have a mate brought in successfully, boys set in his ways).

One of our favourite were the little monkey’s. Their enclosures much like those at Melbourne Zoo, but these guys were super friendly. We want up to the cage and the monkey put out it’s hand making little squeaking noises. So we picked up a fruit that was on the ground and passed it to the monkey and off she climbed to the tallest branch in her enclosure to eat it.  We spent ages with these little guys and gals.

MADA-WHO-HA??? MADAGASCAR!!! The bird aviary screams the movie Madagascar and instantly I felt like King Julian was sitting on his throne before us- in HIS sanctuary. Except he was a she in this scenario as the boss lady lemur runs the aviary.

The bird aviary was also a stand out for us, it was big with a whole range of animals inside. You walk through double doors with plastic chains so none of the inside can come wandering out. Inside there were all types of exotics birds, bats, other tropical species and the cutest little family of lemurs.

 And unlike Melbourne Zoo if you sit there they are allowed to climb over you and the keeper even gave us some fruit to feed them. We spent a decent amount of our time in the aviary, before it got to hot and we needed shade and a drink.

Erin even made best friends with a bearded goat, one of the funniest animals we have ever seen. Maybe one day we’ll get one on our little patch of land :P

All in all we were quite surprised at the zoo animals living conditions and habitats, most had it better then the local Balinese. 

After our legs couldn't take walking anymore and the heat was starting to get overwhelming again, we decided to head to the mini waterpark within the zoo so the girls could cool off and we could have ice cold drinks. 

We decided with our experiences and overall expectations Bali Zoo wins with us hands down our favourite zoo in Bali. We will be back!

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